Monday, January 31, 2011

Back on the wagon......AGAIN!

Well here we are again... back to square one. I feel like I am always ending up back here. I can never commit to something and follow through. I ALWAYS fail! Not anymore. I am back on track and more willful then ever! I plan to see my weight loss journey through to the end. I realized how many excuses I had for myself. Literally TONS! I am trying to change my mindset to think more positively about my goals, be a more positive person, Strive to be the best person I can be. It's hard.. I am not gonna lie. I find myself feeding off of other negative people in my life and it just brings me down. I know I am worth the effort. I owe it to myself, to my husband and my future babies :)

My last attempt at "Dieting" was doing the Atkins... FAIL! I love my carbs. I am a true carboholic! Bread, potatoes, pasta, Rice (thanks to my Hawaiians) so attempting that again is just crazy. I've had success on Weight watchers in the past, so I am going to venture that way once more. I am excited as I have a few works ladies joining me. I am hoping that having someone else go through this with me I will have a better shot at success (fingers crossed)

So this is it... starting weight watchers tomorrow and the Gym tonight. Wish me luck.